Tyre replacement

This shows there is less than 1.6 mm of tread left on the tyre. Replace the tyre when this happens.
Do not wait for the band to appear across the entire tread before replacing the tyre.
The Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) works by comparing the speed of the wheels. The tyre size affects wheel speed. When replacing tyres, all 4 tyres must use the same size originally supplied with the vehicle. Using tyres of a different size can cause the ABS and Electronic Stability Control (ESC) to work irregularly.
It is best to replace all four tyres at the same time. If that is not possible, or necessary, then replace the two front or two rear tyres as a pair. Replacing just one tyre can seriously affect your vehicle's handling.

We recommend that when replacing tyres, use the same originally supplied with the vehicles. If not, that affects driving performance.