Instrument cluster (if equipped)
The Type B cluster provides two themes.
Theme A/B/C
Theme A/B/C is the basic theme of the full LCD type cluster and provides different graphic styles depending on drive mode.

Dynamic Theme
Dynamic Theme is set by the user and provides digital display. The background screen changes according to the weather and time.

Weather: clear, cloudy, rainy, snowy, foggy, lightning, clear up (7 types)
Time: night, day, sunrise and sunset (4 types)
You can change the theme by selecting “Vehicle →Cluster →Theme Selection” on the menu.

The information is displayed after getting information from a weather information provider via GPS. Depending on conditions of GPS reception, the information may be different from the current weather in your area.
If no information is received via GPS (e.g., not subscribed to Kia Connect service), the weather and time will be displayed as ‘sunny’ and ‘night’ on the cluster.