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Safe Exit Assist settings

SEA (Safe Exit Assist)

A: Driver assistance

  1. Blind-spot safety

  2. SEA (Safe Exit Assist)

With the vehicle on, select SettingsVehicleDriver assistanceBlind-spot safetySEA (Safe Exit Assist) from the infotainment system screen to turn on Safe Exit Assist and deselect to turn off Safe Exit Assist.


The driver should always be aware of unexpected and sudden situations from occurring. If SEA (Safe Exit Assist) is deselected, Safe Exit Assist cannot assist you.


If the vehicle is restarted, Safe Exit Assist will maintain the last setting.

Warning volume

A: Driver assistance

  1. Warning volume

  2. Driving safety priority

  3. High

  4. Medium

  5. Low

  6. Off

With the vehicle on, SettingsVehicleDriver assistanceDriving safetyWarning volume on the infotainment system to change the Warning volume to adjust the Warning volume levels; High, Medium, Low or Off.

If Driving safety priority is selected, the audio volume will temporarily decrease to warn the driver with the audible warning for safe driving.

  • If you change the Warning volume, the Warning volume of other Driver Assistance systems may change.

  • If Off is selected, steering wheel vibration will not turn off.