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  • Kia Connect

    • Forbindelsesfunktioner

      Få mest ud af din Kia-oplevelse med funktioner, der giver en personlig oplevelse med din bil.

    • Opgraderinger

      Forbedr din køreoplevelse med Kia Connect Store. Udforsk et udvalg af nye opgraderinger, installer dem og administrer dine abonnementer ubesværet - alt sammen nemt tilgængeligt. Få mest ud af din rejse, lige her på én samlet platform.

    • Alle køretøjer, der vises, er kun til illustration og kan afvige fra den faktiske køretøjsspecifikation. App-funktioner og display kan variere eller ændres.

    • Music on the move
    • 1

      Hvordan logger jeg ind på Kia Connect Store?


      Kan jeg opdatere enhver Kia-model med de aktuelt tilgængelige opgraderinger?


      Kan jeg annullere en opgradering, når købet er foretaget?


      Når opgraderingen er downloadet til mit køretøj, har jeg den så for evigt?


      Hvad er mine betalingsmuligheder?

    • 6

      Hvor lang tid tager det at installere opgraderingen i køretøjet efter købet?


      Har jeg en prøveperiode?


      Hvilke streamingtjenester er tilgængelige i musikstreaming-opgraderingen?


      Kommer der nye opgraderinger i fremtiden?


      Følger mine købte opdateringer bilen, selvom jeg sælger den?

    • Alle de viste biler er blot til illustration og kan afvige fra bilens faktiske specifikationer. App-features og visning kan afvige eller blive ændret. Apple App Store-symbol og Apple-logoet er registrerede varemærker, der tilhører Apple Inc. Google Play og Google Play-logoet er registrerede varemærker, der tilhører Google LLC.

    • In-Car Payment: Simplify your parking payments. Enjoy seamless parking with In-Car Payment. Simply start parking, and the rest will be processed automatically.
      Connectivity Features

      Enjoy seamless parking with In-Car Payment. Simply start parking, and the rest will be processed automatically.

    • All vehicles displayed are for illustration purposes only and may differ from the actual vehicle specification. App features and display may vary or change. Apple App Store Symbol and Apple Logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.

    • In-Car Payment benefits.
    • In-Car Payment how it works.
    • To sign-up select "In-Car Payment" in the Kia Connect app. After agreeing to the service terms and conditions, connect compatible vehicles and register your credit or debit cards at "Kia Pay" to complete the sign-up process.


      In-Car Payment is currently available for EV3 vehicles released after August '24 (more to come). The supported vehicles will be expanded over time.


      You can add VISA, MasterCard, and American Express cards. Merchants may offer different card brands. Parkopedia, our partner, accepts VISA, MasterCard, and American Express for In-Car Payment parking fees.


      Users can identify parking spots that accept this feature in three ways. When you enter an In-Car Payment parking area, your infotainment screen will automatically display a message. Alternatively, an In-Car Payment icon will also appear with the parking lot name and address on the navigation and map screen. Lastly, under Home > In-car Payment > Parking, the infotainment system lists nearby parking lots by distance. To provide correct parking information, all location information is constantly updated via live data.


      Your infotainment screen will display a message when you approach the parking area. Select In-Car Payment for parking payment in the pop-up message to display parking information, choose parking duration and start a new parking session. Your card in Kia Pay will be automatically charged for parking once the session is complete.
