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About TomTom Speed Camera Service

  • About the TomTom Speed Camera service

    Most governments and local authorities agree that the TomTom Speed Camera service makes driving safer. At Kia we comply with local legislation and where necessary adapt our practice, as explained below.

  • List of countries covered by the TomTom Speed Camera Service with your Kia car

    Hereinafter is the list of 36 countries covered by the TomTom Speed Camera service from your Kia car: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, United Kingdom, Gibraltar, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Latvia, Monaco, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Ukraine, Vatican City. Please check whether there are restrictions to the usage of Speed Camera services in the country you are driving in. Connection to the Camera Alert function can be managed under Navigation Settings in your navigation unit.

  • Specific implementation in France according to the law

    Since decree n°2012-3 was introduced on 3 January 2012 it has been illegal to be warned about the exact position of fixed or mobile speed cameras while you are driving in France. Therefore TomTom had a meeting with the Road Safety Ministry to clarify the situation regarding new and upcoming legislation. As a result, TomTom has introduced an updated and 100% compliant Danger Zones service.

  • How does it work?

    In France, all types of speed camera locations and accident black spots are now reported using a new service: Danger Zones Specific locations are not available and a Danger Zone icon is shown instead. The length of the zone depends on the road type at the current location and can be 300m/2000m/4000m.

  • Useful tips

    If several cameras are close to each other, the warning can be merged in a single longer zone. The reporting of Danger Zones is still possible and legal but the location will be randomised for all users. Kia and TomTom appreciate the continued community-based reporting. Danger Zones are only available when driving in France. The TomTom Speed Camera service works as normal outside of French borders. This applies if a route goes across French borders.

  • Countries where the Speed Camera service is prohibited

    Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Turkey are countries where a Speed Camera service is fully prohibited. Kia is then compliant with the local legislation and when you will drive in those countries, you will automatically not receive any warning message about Speed Camera and your navigation system will automatically disable the reporting function of Speed Camera locations. As a consequence Kia cannot be taken as responsible for no Speed Camera service delivered in those countries.