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What Is the Difference Between a v6 and a v8 Engine?

“A V6 engine is a 6 cylinder engine while a V8 has 8 cylinders. The choice between a V6 and V8 will come down to the power and performance you want from your car.”


When buying a car, there are some things that you need to consider but can be deemed confusing. The V6 versus V8 engine is one of them, and knowing the differences and advantages can be helpful when you are trying to make a purchasing decision.   


Simply put, a V6 is a 6-cylinder engine. Whereas, a V8 means an 8-cylinder engine. But, you may wonder what the ‘V’ means in V6 and V8. The ‘V’ represents the way cylinders are arranged in your engine. V-type engines have cylinders placed in a V-like shape, or to put it the other way, in two equal rows. This design is commonly used since it requires less space and can fit in most cars.